- 带通滤光片大于800纳米Alluxa
- 带通滤光片大于800纳米Alluxa
▪ 透过率可达99%
▪ Up to 99% transmission for passbands in the visible range
▪ 通过设计达截至深度高达OD10
▪ Up to OD10 wide range out of band blocking by design
▪ 陡度:0.5% CWL @ 50%T~OD6
▪ Edge transitions as steep as 0.5% of CWL from 50% T to OD6
▪ 波长范围250nm~13µm可选
▪ CWL at any wavelength from the UV to the mid IR (~250 nm to 13 µm)
▪ 波长精度误差±0.25%CWL
▪ Tolerances as tight as ± 0.25% of CWL
▪ 透过波前差(RMS): 极优0.01λper inch @ 632.8 nm
▪ TWE as low as 0.01 wave RMS/inch measured at 632.8 nm
图2. ULTRA系列多频带滤波器,具有陡峭边缘,高传输和OD6带外截至。ULTRA系列多频带通滤光片可以设计为10个以上的透过波段,波段之间的OD值大于8,超高的截至陡度,高达98%的透过率。 它们非常适合用作荧光技术中的激发或发射滤光片,要求在单个样本中同时检测多个荧光团。
图3. ULTRA系列滤光片的波长控制,传输和截至在几种不同的涂层运行中具有高度可重复性。Alluxa薄膜滤光片和介质反射镜均采用我们的SIRRUS™离子束沉积硬镀膜技术,这使我们能够在多个不同的涂层运行中可靠地重复生产相同的高性能薄膜带通滤波器,这意味着您的所有系统性能始终如一。
800-25 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7466 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 800 nm ± 3.0 nm FWHM 25 nm ± 3.0 nm Transmission Band(s) 20 nm > 90% T Average Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 200 to 773 nm, 827 to 1200 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 801.5-50 OD6 ULTRA Bandpass Filter Item Number 7150 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 801.5 nm ± 2.5 nm FWHM 50 nm Nominal Transmission Band(s) 779 to 823 nm > 95% T Average Blocking Level OD6 Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 360 to 675 nm, 675 to 756 nm, 844 to 950 nm; OD3: 300 to 360 nm, 950 to 1000 nm Parallelism < 5.0 Arcseconds Transmitted Wavefront Error < 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm Substrate Type Polished Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 2.0 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 3.5 mm Main Fluorophore(s) Cy®7 Alternate Fluorophore(s) Alexa Fluor® 750 , CF™750, DiR, DY-750, DY-751, HiLyte™ Fluor 750, HiLyte™ Plus 750, LIVE/DEAD® Fixable Near-IR Dead Cell Stain, PromoFluor-750, CF™770, DY-776, IRDye® 800CW, IRDye® 800RS, NIR1 840-50 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7609 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 840 nm ± 5.0 nm FWHM 50 nm ± 5.0 nm Transmission Band(s) 45 nm > 90% T Average Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 200 to 800 nm, 885 to 1200 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 850-25 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7474 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 850 nm ± 3.0 nm FWHM 25 nm ± 3.0 nm Transmission Band(s) 20 nm > 90% T Average Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 200 to 822 nm, 878 to 1200 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 880-10 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7479 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 880 nm ± 2.0 nm FWHM 10 nm ± 2.0 nm Transmission Band(s) Peak> 90% T Absolute Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 200 to 865 nm, 895 to 1200 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 890-50 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7598 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 890 nm ± 5.0 nm FWHM 50 nm ± 5.0 nm Transmission Band(s) 45 nm > 90% T Average Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 200 to 850 nm, 935 to 1200 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 900-50 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7481 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 900 nm ± 5.0 nm FWHM 50 nm ± 5.0 nm Transmission Band(s) 45 nm > 90% T Average Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 200 to 860 nm, 945 to 1200 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 925-50 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7484 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 925 nm ± 5.0 nm FWHM 50 nm ± 5.0 nm Transmission Band(s) 45 nm > 90% T Average Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 200 to 885 nm, 970 to 1200 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 940-10 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7485 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 940 nm ± 2.0 nm FWHM 10 nm ± 2.0 nm Transmission Band(s) Peak> 90% T Absolute Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 200 to 925 nm, 955 to 1200 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 970-50 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7558 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 970 nm ± 5.0 nm FWHM 50 nm ± 5.0 nm Transmission Band(s) 45 nm > 90% T Average Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 1015 to 1200 nm, 200 to 930 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 975-50 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7490 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 975 nm ± 5.0 nm FWHM 50 nm ± 5.0 nm Transmission Band(s) 45 nm > 90% T Average Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 1020 to 1200 nm, 200 to 935 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 1047.5-15 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7595 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 1047.5 nm ± 2.0 nm FWHM 15 nm ± 2.0 nm Transmission Band(s) Peak> 90% T Absolute Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD6: 1064.1 nm; OD4: 1068 to 1200 nm, 200 to 1027 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 33.7 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 2.0 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 3.9 mm 1050-50 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7496 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 1050 nm ± 5.0 nm FWHM 50 nm ± 5.0 nm Transmission Band(s) 45 nm > 90% T Average Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 1095 to 1500 nm, 200 to 1010 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 1064-10 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7497 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 1064 nm ± 2.0 nm FWHM 10 nm ± 2.0 nm Transmission Band(s) Peak> 90% T Absolute Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 1079 to 1200 nm, 200 to 1049 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 1546-10 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7601 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 1546 nm ± 2.0 nm FWHM 10 nm ± 2.0 nm Transmission Band(s) Peak> 90% T Absolute Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 1561 to 1800 nm, 200 to 1531 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 1550-10 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7525 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 1550 nm ± 2.0 nm FWHM 10 nm ± 2.0 nm Transmission Band(s) Peak> 90% T Absolute Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 1565 to 1800 nm, 200 to 1535 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm 1552-10 OD4 Bandpass Filter Item Number 7600 Angle of Incidence 0 Degrees Center Wavelength 1552 nm ± 2.0 nm FWHM 10 nm ± 2.0 nm Transmission Band(s) Peak> 90% T Absolute Blocking Level OD4 Blocking Range(s)* OD4: 1567 to 1800 nm, 200 to 1537 nm Substrate Type Borofloat® Dimensions 25.0 mm Diameter Filter Thickness 3.3 mm Assembly Type Anodized Aluminum Ring Assembly Thickness 5.0 mm